This topic was posted today on Michèle's blog. I wished to share my long response which turned out to be too long for the comments section so I published it here, happy reading ...
I admit I am impressed with the number of Yay responses to Michèle's topic, Wow that’s amazing.
I am a man in my early forties with liking for nail polish since my childhood. I use to play secretly with my mom’s polishes when I was a teen. In my twenties I was buying my own polishes and always had my toes polished. I went through the dilemma of the social acceptance of my passion; being straight to the bones I never viewed it as a furtive gay behavior but rather an innate love for polished nails, however I always feared social rejection being labeled as gay!
I shared my passion with my better half during our dating time, she was initially reluctant. It took her 10 years after our happy marriage to accept it, finding no harm in it, since it made me happy. Still, my painted toes were never exposed socially. In the late nineties, the Internet changed things completely, I found out I was not alone, neither gay, nor outside the norm; with Yahoo groups I discovered other males with a similar passion. There is no reason why society accepts males with long hair, earrings, tattoos, and not painted nails. However I do agree that it may be matching more particular males’ style than all males.
In the past few years I gained more confidence, I was able to meet in person female coworkers and on the internet female fellow polish addicts, and Jake, all equally passionate by nail polish and totally open to the idea of males with painted nails, that was awesome. I posted pictures on flickr and finally started my blog last May. My social comfort has risen to exhibiting my painted toes in sheer colors, and French pedicures, occasionally wearing bold colors at the beach. I do follow many blogs almost on regular basis, buy the latest collection of OPI, MISA, Essie, etc, my nail polish collection is way past 1000.
At present I share colors with my wife and greatly enjoy this passion. After self analysis I concluded it is in my DNA like the hundred of ladies blogging about it and unsurprisingly many have no passionate interest in other makeup as much as nail polish. I am perfectionist by nature and reflect it as well through the grooming and painting of my nails. Unfortunately I cannot keep up with the pace of fantastic daily nail bloggers. Whenever I have time I write my small piece of blog with pictures.
I am thrilled to be part of this unique community and hope time will make more people open minded about it. Thank you for reading being the only male commenting so far I thought worthwhile sharing my experience. Please scroll through other entries in my blog if you are interested to read more about my experience. I would be happy to read and reply to your comments.
Big thanks to Michèle for creating this topic J
Vanhat paletit - Ostaisinko uudelleen Part 2
Kovasti toivoitte jatko-osaa postaukselle vanhoista paleteista joten tässä
vieläkin vanhempia ;) esim nuo Diorit on kokoelmani ensimmäisiä, voi sitä
9 hours ago